Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Brain, Your Brain

This is for my brain:
1. Wake up
2. Get dressed
3. Use MOM'S bike, not YOURS, or you will DIE from not having BRAKES
4. Go to school
5. Go to Mr. Meketon
6. At 2:30 meet Keith and Bill and bike home with them
7. Force them to fix your bike
8. Meet Phil - Jobs for Justice Dinner (DON'T BE GRIMEY)
9. Go to Tosh's house
10. Drink some wine and sing some songs

This is for yours:
1. Do you hate waking up to alarm clocks?
2. Do you think about what you wear?
3. Do your brakes hang low, do they wobble to and fro?
4. Do you think that school is oppressive or liberating?
5. Do you have a wonderful mentor?
6. Do you think that bikers are cooler than regular people?
7. Do you think that my bike is fixable?
8. Do you know what Jobs for Justice is?
9. Do you think that Tosh is good people?
10. Do you think that wine and singing is a sophisticated way to spend an evening?
11. Do you love to sleep?


Funnel said...

1. yes
2. sometimes
3. i have no brakes
4. mine is oppressive
5. not really
6. not necessarily
7. no
8. no clue
9. if you're cool with him i'm sure he is
10. depends on what songs you sing
11.hell yes

Sa. said...

1. yeahhhh.... does anyone really like waking up that way?
2. hahha
3. i'm scared to ride a bike here
4. depends
5. a couple
6. hahha
7. sure! (i have no idea what you did to it. what'd you do?)
8. yes, vaguley. i miss you.
9. some times. deep in his big heart somewhere. :)
10. no better way to do an evening
11. mmmm sleeeeepppp

Len said...

1. I accepted that they're the only way it's going to happen. (mine sounds like a roster)
2. Depends where I'm going.
3. I am getting a bike THIS WEEK.
4. For who?
5. Yes.
6. Better environmentally, so Yes.
7. Couldn't tell ya.
8. Nope, sounds important though.
9. I don't know Tosh like that, he seems cool to me.
10. "sophisticated"? That's going to depend on the wine and songs in question.
11. It comes in handy from time to time.