Tuesday, June 17, 2008


"Here are a few tips on how you can make yourself more exciting:

1. Know where you are going in life. Have dreams and ambitions.
2. Have good tastes.
3. Write poetry or music.
4. Be culturally intelligent. Enjoy the arts and read the latest novels reviewed by the New Yorker.
5. Pick up a third or fourth language.
6. Have hobbies you are passionate about.
7. Do crazy things such as sky-diving or rock-climbing.
8. Travel, travel, travel.
9. Stay away from computer and video games. (Spend your time doing things that can make you more interesting or improve your quality of living instead.)
10. Act cool. If you act like you're cool, most people will assume you are cool."


tofu_thief said...

ahhh i'm about as exciting as a moldy banana.

Gigi said...

hey man... video games can make you cool. why do you think i am in animation?