Friday, September 12, 2008

Made Fresh Daily

Hey, so, I want to get used to using this thing again so that when I leave I'll be ready to report. I have six more days in Philly, and I am here at home, an empty house, sipping coffee and plucking my mandolin. I'm getting over a little summer cold, which seems to be going around (or maybe I am spreading it around?).

I found an unfinished song by the Sisters just now. All the music was down in Maine, I added some words just now. It's about biking. I don't know if that was the initial intention, but... Here it is:

If anyone would like a copy of the complete Sisters collection, give me your address (in Florida or wherever) and I'll send a lovely little thing your way. Keep in mind: These will be worth a lot of money one day.


tofu_thief said...

the complete what? I want!

I miss you, let's talk. What's your e-mail?

tofu_thief said...

this is Debbie, by the way.

Gigi said...

me me!!! now now!!! and put ur blues song on it too. i want everything!

gianna ruggiero
1130 greensboro ln mailbox # 1121
sarasota, fl 34234